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Samhain Eve


Last night the wind came. Blowing the sheets of rain in all directions. Samhain Eve

My tent poles swayed. The falling of water on roof created a melody that took me deep deep into a half sleep state. I wandered into the crevices of my heart and mind, taking inventory of all that was there.

There was so much there, and I know that the sifting through it is the only way forward.

A simple poem to share in hopes of articulating what I don't have the words for today.

"She is taking you deeper and deeper towards a nest

Made of everything that grows in the earth

She welcomes you in, pulling off her hood

You know her and she feeds you, until you are full

From her own hands, filling all the empty parts of your soul

She makes medicine for the wounds you abandoned long ago

She gently stitches them closed as she beckons frozen tears to fall

And she catches them in her hands

'These don't belong to you' she says

And she returns your tears to the ocean"

~Jennifer Lothrigel

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