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Calling on Kali


When you spend a candle lit evening at your alter dedicated to calling for an end to patriarchy and protection from it.

When you reach the edges of your self and know where you end and others begin, and plead for the strength to stand fiercely in your boundaries from here forward.

When you sit with your littlest little at that alter and tell them of Kali's power and teach them how and when to call on her.

When they listen so intently and hang on every word, staring with such great intensity at her image while you explain the severed heads and her fierceness.

When they fall asleep on you just like a baby while you talk and you find the joy in the ways of your life and sending your witchlet to dreamland with Kali stories on their ears.

When you are reminded that you're still that mama who is just so deeply, madly in love that you take pictures of them while they sleep. When you just sit and watch them, to the sound of the rain hitting your tent.

When you can see life in death, and welcome it.

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