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Growth and Life after Fire and Ash


They say that fire can burn yer shit down, turn it all to ash.

They say that ain't no ash will burn.

They say that there is life after fire.

All of these things they say, have been shown,

True to Me.

I say that fire helped me be free of what I wasn't willing to leave.

i say that time of ashes was bitter, and cold, and so. so painful. And cold.

And that's the way it goes, it's all gonna be okay.

Ashes served me with a purpose all their own.

i say that life after fire is fragile, and sweet. And fragile.

Today, luv & happy was found in:

Methow Valley, up Libby Creek +/- 15miles

Free ranging cows in Okanagan National Forest

Mist over mountains

Climbing, off trail scrambling, up into the mist over the mountains

Blessing new baby trees

Reading the landscape. understanding their stories of fire, ash, new growth, autumn, and surrender, surrender, surrender.

Holding the ash from the lands last fire in my palms

Lorax, Tatterhawk, Leif, and Sarah and I.

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