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Play and Ritual with the Grandmothers of The Land

Our Nature Immersion Saturday program is one of my favorite days of the week. It's the day of the week that I get to fully immerse into my nature guide/coyote mentoring/ playful friend self.

Just like the littles, I still learn through play and receive guidance from the land when I get to immerse myself in her. Last week we spent the day running around a grove of cedar trees and climbing the limbs of these grandmother beings. Her soft bark and swooping arms soothingly held us in (their) play and (my) prayers.

The littles quickly took up my suggestion of offering the grove some of the fallen spring blooms in gratitude for providing us with such a fun place to play, and together they made the most humble and graceful offerings in our impromptu alter making workshop.

Bless this sacred grove, bless the witchlets in their learning, and bless me in my practice.

All blessings to you,

Miz Flow

Hearth Witch & Lead Teacher

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