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Wednesday September 27, 2017

We started our day with a morning art project, making scrapbook zines of our favorite animals. I observed for different proficiency during this project and noticed some strong and adept scissors skills developing. I'm looking forward to working on some fun art projects this fall, as these little hands become more familiar with various art tools and mediums.

And, because its Wednesday, it means its a swim day for us. We adventured to Kennedy school for our weekly swim play, and explorations of the halls and gardens. I'm watching as these kiddos become increasingly comfortable in the water, and more risky in their play. It's a balance, encouraging them to push their edges, as well as guiding them in being safe with their bodies.

After swimming we enjoyed a leisurely lunch in the courtyard garden patio, and an afternoon of free and curious play.

Enjoy our photo journal of the day!

xo, Miz Flow

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