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Friday September 29, 2017

Today we started the day with some learning and exploring all about Grandmother Ocean, sea creatures, and ocean habitat. I was inspired to start an ocean curriculum after Sibyl told us that they had never been to the ocean before. So I put together an activity table that included shells, sand, and other sea treasures from my recent adventures to the ocean. I also put out several books to inspire more curiosity. We'll be revising the ocean curriculum for the next few weeks, and perhaps find a way to adventure there together sometime in the future.

It was an on and off rainy day today, and our afternoon tea time was rained out. We ended up raising umbrellas towards the end of tea time. While we sat for tea, we observed the red leaves that were falling from our tree canopy cover in the front yard and collected some for pressing.

We had a lovely afternoon walk around the neighborhood, stopping along the way at a rock pile to investigate for spiders and other insects.

After our walk we opened up the flower press that we had set a few weeks back and pulled out the beautiful flowers, saving them for a future art project.

We played so hard today, and by the end of the day, our bodies were sure tired!

Enjoy our photo journal of the day!

xo, Miz Flow

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