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Monday October 23, 2017

Today we continued with our sensory immersion into the fall season. Our "classroom" for the day was our beloved Mt. Tabor park and natural area.

Our group adventured and explored the whole day, connecting and savoring the bliss of being together all along the way.

So many moments of beauty and love were exchanged throughout the day, and I witnessed these four humans exhibiting kindness and compassion for each other and the land. When a friend fell, everyone stopped and helped them up, refusing to leave them behind. When a worm was found on the trail, they collaborated to gently move them to a safer location. They had the presence to remind each other to be gentle with the trees as they climbed up into the limbs of these friends.

And as blissful of a day as it was, there was also a hue of bittersweetness to it. It was our last day with Baby Z, who we have come to love with our whole hearts. We were so blessed to have this beautiful creature grace our play school community these last several weeks, and yet we are happy that they no longer need the respite care and are being returned to mama. We pray that their journey be a blessed and nurturing one, and that our small part in their unfolding will stay with them in some way.

Enjoy our photo journal of the day <3

xo, Miz Flow

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