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A Winter Solstice Invitation

Hello play school friends, family, and wider circles!

Welcome to the dark days of the year.

I honor and call in this blessed stretch of seasons when my kiddo is more than happy to be sent off to dreamland in the early eve. They are much less sleep deprived in these dark days of the year than they are during the summer season when we play deep into the late eve of warm summer nights and wake early with the rising sun.

In the dark days I get time to contemplate, to write letters to my beloveds or sit with them for tea, to make art and craft, read piles of books, and to observe the wild plants and creatures in their resiliency and adaptability. I've learned to love this season as much as any other.

It is also the season of friendsgiving, winter solstice, and other Yuletide festivities. We get to see folks we may not get to see very often, or have more time to celebrate home and hearth together for extended periods of time.

To create more of opportunities for play, adventure, and connection, I invite you to join us this year at Kindle Cascadia for our annual Winter Solstice gathering. Together we'll turn the wheel of the year, honor the darkness, and welcome the light.

This year is quite special for us, as the Moon's Nest Playschool enters into its first year of implementing and facilitating the children's program for this gathering! I'm looking forward to seeding and cultivating this component of the gathering and creating a culture of winter traditions steeped in magic and mystery for our little ones. I hope that your family will consider joining us in establishing a playschool tradition of honoring the winter solstice together.

Invite your family, your friends, or other circles and come celebrate the winter season while kindling Cascadia!

We'd love to see you there <3

xo, Miz Flow

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