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Wednesday January 31st, 2018

Wednesday means swimming day for us, so we hopped the Trimet for a ride up to Kennedy School for a morning soak and swim. After our swim time we enjoyed our lunch and a few rounds of high energy hide and seek games out in the courtyard garden. At lunch circle we all took a moment to send our love to our friends Violet and Maeve who were both at home today. We missed you!

After lunch and play, we caught a bus ride down to spend the rest of the afternoon wandering and exploring around Laurelhust Park, as we do every Wednesday afternoon. On the way to the bus stop we noticed the neighborhood gardens and the show of bright green unfurling and rising up nearly everywhere we looked. We gave them blessings and welcomed them all to the world as we passed on by.

At Laurelhurst we stopped at all our favorite spots for talking to the ducks and the water, climbing trees, and just saying hello to this lovely landscape.

Before leaving we offered our End of Play gratitude ritual at the pond's edge, building a sweet altar/ duck bed for the duck and water spirits of the land.

We ended the day at the Belmont Library with a stack of Midwinter stories to connect all we had seen and touched today.

Enjoy the look into our day!

xo, Miz Flow

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