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Wednesday March 28, 2018

Today our friend circle met for our usual Wednesday adventures around Portland Town; Kennedy School swim > Laurelhurst Park > Belmont Library.

We had a groovy ol' time swimming, playing, enjoying each other's company, frolicking in the sunny Spring weather, and busing around the town.

Favorite quote of the day, "every space is a play space", and don't they know how to find a way to turn every moment they're in into an opportunity to play! Waiting for the bus, on the bus or wherever we happen to be, these kiddos drop into story and play everywhere they go. I'm just the facilitator and the environment offers all the props for continuous story lines that flow fluidly as we ramble through the day. Our Wednesday adventure days really are one of my favorite days of the week :)

And, at our end of day reading circle we read a book titled, The Dead Bird, and I enjoyed it so very much that I wanted to be sure to share it. It offered a beautiful story line and teachings about death and how create ceremony and ritual around death. It was an exciting find for this Witch's teaching tool box, and I'll definitely be curating the book to our playschool library. Highly recommended for all folks who weave teachings around death into their curriculum. At the very least check out from the library, or purchase from Powell's Books.

Okay, enjoy these favorite moments from our day!

xo, Miz Flow

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