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Tuesday April 24th, 2018

Hey there playschool folk,

Today Lorax, Liam, and I enjoyed an extra special field trip day to Westmoreland Park to enjoy some of that golden sunshine we had, and to see how the creek and creatures was doin'.

In the morn I set the music to play for us while I packed our day bag of snacks and such, and Lorax and Liam set to making puzzles and building wizard towers. They even organized their own snapping workshop in which Liam attempted to teach Lorax how to snap. There's a vid in our video journal, it's sweet and adorable, you should watch it.

Anyhow, after i got us all packed up we set off to catch our bus and make our way to the park where we spent the rest of the day in absolute bliss soaking up the sun, playing, making new friends, observing the wildlife, ritualizing with water, deepening our relationships with each other, and offering our thanks for it all.

Enjoy our photo and video journals of the day <3

xo, Miz Flow

Photo Journal

Video Journal

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