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April 27th, 2018

Hay friendz!

Our Friday circle enjoyed a slow and easy day today, putzing around playschool. We held lotz of reading and music circles, tinkering sessions, story play, outside play and garden time.

Elliot and Cora had some interesting play as they used tools to werk on the tools for much of the morning. Lila and Violet got into an intimate play groove that held through the day, while Sibyl, Liam, other Liam, and Lucio, and Maeve hung out in the drag closet trying on different variations of sparkle. By mid morning i moved the group outside for the rest of the day and we enjoyed a whole bunch of tree slide and hammock play, picnic snacks and lunch, lego building, and mud kitchen play.

Enjoy the day with us in our photo and vid journals <3

xo, Miz Flow

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