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Blessed Beltane

The most Blessed of belated Beltane wishes to all of you all!

I pray that yer Beltane festivities fer the year were joyful, magical, and full of mystery. Such as ours were.

Lorax and I very much enjoyed some much needed time off to play, pray, and ritualize together amongst the land spirits that hold all the work we do on this beautiful yet bumpy path we walk. The flowers, the stars, the moon, the rivers, the forests, the creatures; we held sacred space and blessed them all.

And humbly prayed for them to bless us too.

I spent nearly a whole morning listening to the song of the river,

getting back in rhythm with her flow. I got lost in spell and prayer work with Bleeding Heart of the forest while lorax explored the log jams and river banks of one of our sacred spaces in the Mt.Hood wilderness. What a loving and attentive plant ally she is to work with, always offering me steady ground to feel into some of the harder and sharper things of this ol' life.

Deepest gratitude to all of our relations who support us in our magic and make our life ways possible. We could all use more days of time standing still for us. I pray that you all feel as supported by me as I feel supported by you.

All blessings to you and yers,

Miz Flow

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