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Tuesday June 5th, 2018


we had a ton-o-fun on our special tuesday field study to our local animal prison, also know as The Oregon Zoo. These kiddos had been negotiating with me fer a zoo trip fer weeks, and i finally got us there. They spent the day exploring and playing, learning and picnicking. We talked a lot about the creatures and how much we loved them, and wished in our hearts for their freedom.

Lorax and I talked about seeing the harbor seals and sea lions in the aquariums versus seeing them happy at home in the waters of Big Sur just a short time ago at the spring equinox. I'm hoping that they all found a way to appreciate the experience as well as the nuanced issues with animal captivity. It's complicated fer these little hearts, and I did my best.

Anyhow, enjoy our memories of the day <3

xo, Miz Flow

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