Friday June 8th, 2018
Heya there playschool folks & friendz!
We were blessed with a full day of gentle play and putzing around the playschool yard. Our play was so fluid and peaceful today and there was plenty of time to sit and hear the birds, appreciate the butterflies, watch the squirrels, make art, play music, think 'bout thangs, talk bout thangs, cuddle, and lot's of just general merriment happenin'. Aaaaannnnnnd, we made a lot of progress in Cora's potty training today! Yay Cora!
We passed the mornin' painting, exploring different tools fer scratch art, playing in our rocket ships and takin' trips to da moon, bike riding and playing in the mud kitchens. Sibyl helped me peel, cut, and seed our lunch squash, while Lucio and Lila helped with the finishin' touches , like stirring and stuff.
After lunch the rest of the group went off to free play while Lila and myself sent the babes off to dreamland. Lila wrapped Elliot and Cora up in their blankets, gave each one a kiss, and then cuddled up on the couch their self. And, they were able to catch a few images of our nap time ritual and the babes gettin' sung to sleep. They really are most happy at my side and helping out whenever and wherever they can, and I'm enjoying the sidekick operation we got goin' on here.
After we were sure the babes were asleep we headed back outside to join our friends in some garden luvin', earth werkin' play. We foraged fer the precious and few early season ripe raspberries, found what we were sure was a fossilized dinosaur egg, made habitats and bug hotels fer the garden creatures , got muddy, played with charcoal from last night's fire, checked on our compost tea, and had so many curious conversations.
Our musical soundtrack today was provided mostly by
Jayke Orvis and The Broken Band's 2013 album, Bless This Mess.
Thanks so much fer the play today friends!
Enjoy our memories of the day <3
xo, Miz Flow
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