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Tuesday October 30, 2018

Today we got our chip drop delivery! So that meant our annual day day of climbing wood chip mountain and learning all about using wood chips ta keep plants warm though the Winter.

And just in case ya didn't know...Witches have been known to ride their rake while gettin' their lessons in puttin' their gardens ta bed.

We were blessed with a sunny afternoon, and we were all very happy since the last few days have been especially soggy and wet 'round Portland Town. We took the opportunity to send some love and gratitude to our ancestor, The Sun. We taked 'bout how our ancestors pf blood and path were only were here because there was an earth fer them to be...and so, The Sun, who gives life to plants, which without, the earth would not and could not exist as we know it, is one of our great ancestors.

The day passed just as we like it: bare foot in the garden and lost in our play' learning. Cora and Elliot had a sweet and special moment with some of our garden mushrooms, and I was able to catch a snippet of it on video for all of us to share in.

Anyhow, enjoy or memories of the day <3

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